my picture here

Well, hello there !! 👋🏻

I am Nikhil Anand
I love computers and the science that drives it.
Welcome to my world, say Hello

There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't

my favourite CS joke

About Me

I am a CS undergrad studying in Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India.
I am originally from Jamshedpur, India.
I like building things on software because it involves a nice cup of coffee and good music.
Data Science is what I am exploring and Java is my language of preference.
When I am not programming, I am watching documentaries on Youtube.
Activities I do, that do not involve a computer screen, are reading novels and writing science fiction.

A concurrent, class-based, statically typed object-oriented language.


Well-versed in core Java concepts
Can implement data structures and algorithms efficiently
Used OOP concepts in every project I make in Java
Have also worked with Java EE, Java Swing, Java Applets and Java FX

A dynamic language emphasizing readability


Basic concepts of the language
Worked with Flask, plotly, matplotlib, etc
Made a fully functional website using HTML, CSS, Javascript with Flask backend

A general purpose system programming language.


Well versed in concepts of the language
Competitive Coding

The languages that make up the web.


Made many websites using HTML, CSS, Js with Node, PHP and Flask backends
Well versed in Bootstrap

A popular general-purpose scripting language.


Backend knowledge of using a PHP Server
Connected the fronted to a MySQL database using a PHP Backend

Language of the relational databases.


Worked with many relational databases - MySQL, SQLPlus and SQLite






मातृ भाषा



Elementary - can read, write and speak

Grundstufe - kann lesen, schreiben und sprechen

Guten Tag

Movie Recommendation website

A Movie Recommendation website with HTML, CSS and JS frontend
Supported by a NodeJS backend
and a MongoDB database
Link to Github Repo

An expenditure management Android app

Financier is an Android application to manage expenditures.
Records all expenditures entered and analyzes them
Displays stats according to the expenditures entered.
Visualized expenditures into various charts using AnyChartAndroid
Link to Github Repo

Linux based kernel implementing basic hardware functions

The linker files and kernel files were written in C++.
Made an entire keymap including Shift and Caps Lock functionality.
Had a Mouse graphics too.
Converted the entire OS as an ISO file which worked without any errors in Oracle Virtual Box
Link to Github Repo

Image Steganography in Java with a Java FX UI

A message passing system that uses steganography, i.e. embedding text inside images.
Made a Java software that performs pixel-by-pixel steganography.
The software was presented with a Java FX frontend.
Link to Github Repo

Codes for various CC topics

Practice Questions from various competitive coding websites.
Problems categorized into different topics.
Link to Github Repo

Parallelization of IDEA Algorithm

Parallelization of the International Data Encryption Algorithm.
Coded in Java (JDK 12).
Takes in a message with a random 128 bit key, encrypts the message. Performs key reversal and decryption of the message.
Used ExecutorService to parallelize the algorithm with a Thread Pool.
Link to Github Repo

Basic Prototype of an Online Retail website

It incorporates static web pages in the form of HTML5 and CSS3 and backend support as Java.
Dynamic Web Pages were made as JSP.
The central database was SQLite.
Link to Github Repo

1-Dimensional Bin Packing

Worked on a research paper implementation.
Packing items of w weight into n bins, each having a total weight ofx
Optimized to find the least value of n.
Link to Github Repo